Part 48: Operating room 2

Seven nodded, slowly, and spoke.

[Music: Digital Root]

Once the crystal turns into a hydrate, though, it's useless as a cleaner. The factory had to just dump the crystals--as a hydrate, they were useless.
But it didn't end there.
After that day, the same thing started happening in EDT factories everywhere, even ones nowhere near that first American factory.

In fact, ever since that day, no factory anywhere has been able to make a pure EDT crystal.
Even in EDT research done years before, they'd never gotten a hydrate.
But after it happened at the first factory, it just...spread.

Seven shook his head.

Seven grinned.
As Junpei was trying to figure out what on Earth he was going to say next--
Clover's shrill voice pierced the room.
[Music: Silence]

Seven looked at Junpei.

With that cryptic remark, he turned and left the room.

He took a deep breath, tried to clear his mind, and followed after Seven.
[Music: Septenary Game]

Now that story time's over, we can use that key we got earier on the door on the left of the room too!

It takes us to a slightly larger room. This one even has what looks like a bench to rest on! What luck.

...Okay, so much for taking that break.

If we've learned anything from our excursions on this ship now, it's that there's almost always something in cabinets and drawers. Thus this is the perfect place to look!

A medical record, huh? Well, that certainly makes sense. We might want to grab that, since it could come in handy later too.

There's, of course, one last thing you should've noticed in this part of the room.

The door, I mean. I wonder where it leads, considering we had to unlock the door that leads here and all.

I suppose this makes sense, given how we already knew the Jupiter key is somewhere in here.

For now, though, let's just spin around to the other half of the room and take a look at these suspicious lockers.

We'll go through them in order; left to right.

So... they're all locked? This could be a problem.

There's one last thing in the room, that we ought to check out.

Well, that's... familiar.

I wonder what we can do with these things, then, to make them light up?


Hmm... a beam of light that affects this thing? There's a beaker in the middle...

We do have liquid coloured red and blue, respectively, so I wonder. Let's give this a shot.

Seems obvious to me what happened;

By making the relevant light, uh, light up it somehow unlocks its associated locker. Sure, why not? Let's grab this leg, then.

Well, that's one down.

So, we'll fill the beaker with blue liquid now instead.

We know what this means.

More specifically: the other leg is now ours.

Well, let's see... we've still got to open that purple locker by the looks of things. As a result, we do need to find a purple liquid to get it open.
We found the red and blue in the other room, so let's go search there.

Oh... duh. Let's head back to the prep room then.

Stick the red in, and then add the blue...

Of course, when we back out to go look, the purple liquid has to go... somewhere. It can't be split up again, so it goes into one of our two empty bottles.

...And if we pour it back into the beaker?

...Let's just go open the locker before we learn more about Junpei than we ever wanted to.

Rather conveniently, I do believe this is the last mannequin part.

Let's see... we have the full body of the mannequin, both legs and her other arm too. Heck, we even got a heart for good measure. I think we're done with this, now.

Well, let's see... this seems easy enough and... no, no I've lost it. Sorry.

Well, let's take a look.

...Okay, so you see this record?
Ignore it.
We don't need to do anything related to it. We don't have to do any calculations. This is REALLY simple, the game just makes it sound more complicated than it is for some reason. The solution?

Just swap every part. It's really... very not hard.

Sounds like a plan.

Okay, John, what are ya hiding?

...Oh, uh, oops. Let's do that instead then!

Is that... a key?

Oh, we know exactly what means.

Let's get the hell outta here, at last!
[Music: Silence]

Junpei turned around. Clover was nowhere to be seen.

Junpei left Seven at the door, and headed back to the operating room.
[Music: Imaginary]

She didn't respond.
If she hadn't been standing up and breathing, Junpei might have thought she was dead.

Clover didn't laugh.
She stood stock-still, and said nothing.

Perhaps it was something he'd said, or perhaps it was...something else.
Suddenly, her mouth opened, and she whispered in a dry, dead voice...

Suddenly the operating room felt very, very cold.

He gave her a small shake, but she still didn't respond.
The silence grew heavier.

Clover nodded, almost imperceptibly.
Still, Junpei was glad to see she was at least somewhat responsive.

What was this? Why was she apologizing? Junpei wasn't sure what to make of her.
Was she emotionally unstable because her brother had gone missing?

How could anyone pretend not to hear something like that?
But something told him this wasn't the time to press the issue.
Junpei gave her the warmest, kindest smile he could manage.

Her smile was weak. It was almost painful to watch.
[Music: Silence]

Seven looked up as they walked into the room, clearly irritated.

Seven avoided answering the question.

He slid the key into the keyhole, and turned it.
He felt it unlock.

The door opened with a soft, melancholy creak.
Beyond it lay a simple, white hallway.

Junpei turned away from Seven, and took his first step down the simple, white hallway.

Operating room official art.